Wheel repair Podersdorf Waldherr

Wheel repair Podersdorf Waldherr

To the company website

More info about this company

  • Contact
  • Opening hours



Main street 42


Podersdorf on the lake

T: +43 21772297

W: Homepage

Opening hours

Opening hours

Valid from 01.04. to 31.10.2024

Open on these days: MO DI MI DO FR SA

Time: from 8:30 to 12:00

Valid from 01.04. to 31.10.2024

Open on these days: SO

Time: from 9:00 to 18:00

Valid from 01.04. to 31.10.2024

Open on these days: MO DI MI DO FR

Time: from 15:00 to 18:00

By the lake

fresh wind

Interaktive Karte

Discover everything between water and clouds in and around Podersdorf in our interactive map.

The seafarers keep you up to date. On the web, on Facebook.


Tourist Office Podersdorf
am See.

main street 4-8
A-7141 Podersdorf am See
+43 (0)2177 2227

Tourist office: 0043 21772227