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The evil plan of the sea witch

A puzzling bike adventure for the whole family

Welcome strangers!

The old fisherman Wentzel needs your help to thwart the evil plan of the sea witch! Yes, you heard right, a sea witch. An evil sorceress who normally lives in a corner of Lake Neusiedl in her underwater palace. But now she is in Podersdorf to do her mischief here! And believe it or not, she is vicious, cunning and powerful. Wentzel once had to experience this on his own body...

You must solve the puzzles to find a secret magic formula that is capable of stopping the evil witch and her plan all by itself. Are you ready for it? Then set out, solve the tasks, find the spell, defeat the witch! But be warned! The witch will surely meet you and try to distract you from your task with her tricks, with cunning and trickery.

But don't worry, you'll get there! Wentzel trusts in you!

The booklet for the bike riddle rally is available free of charge at the tourist office!

to the puzzle book

The stations

The following pages can only be opened with the solution of the respective station.

1. The lighthouse

2. The mysterious stars

3. From flowers and birds

4. The strange trough

5. wall of thoughts

6. The royal tree

7th bike puzzle rally end

There is always something to do at the lake...

for the whole family

To make your family vacation even more unforgettable, you can find all the info here:

& sportsat thelake

Active in

Lake Neusiedl has long been considered more than just a recreational and swimming lake, in recent years it has become a top destination for surfers, sailors, kiters and water sports enthusiasts of all kinds.

The seafarers keep you up to date. On the web, on Facebook.


Tourist Office Podersdorf
am See.

main street 4-8
A-7141 Podersdorf am See
+43 (0)2177 2227